1 |
A problemas helyzeteket eloidezo feldatok osztalyzasahoz |
Матюшкин А.М. |
- Budapest, 1970.
2 |
About the parametrical approach to the analysis and description of thinking |
Кореляков Ю.А., Ланда Л.Н. |
Pedagogical Science. - 1984. - № 4.
3 |
Accord prealable de l'analysateur auditifs |
Ратанова Т.А., Ушакова Т.Н. |
L'homme dans les systemes automatises. - Paris, 1971.
4 |
Adaptive compression of speech in formation from the viewpoint of its practical application |
Авраменко В.Д., Куравский Л.С., Малых С.Б., Шеншев Л.В. |
Journal of Technical Acoustics. - 1997. - V. 3. - № 1.
5 |
Adolescents and Social Contract: developmental roots of citizenship in seven countries |
Абраменкова В.В., Щебланова Е.И. |
Roots of civic identity. International perspectives on community service and activism in youth. - Cambridge, 1999.
6 |
An experimental study of empathy in children of young and middle school age |
Гаврилова Т.П. |
Soviet psychology. - V.13. - №3
7 |
Bibliopsychology, Bibliopedagogics, Bibliotherapy: History, Theory, Practice |
Карпов А.Е. |
The article examines historical and practical issues of bibliopsychology and leading theoretical principles of the founder of psychology of reading – N.A.Rubakin.
8 |
Causes of children word invention |
Ушакова Т.Н. |
Soviet Psychology
9 |
Characteristics of Recognition and Normal and Pathological Conditions |
Осницкий А.К. |
Journal of Soviet Psychology. - 1974. - V. XII. - № 4.
10 |
Children's word creation |
Ушакова Т.Н. |
Soviet studies in language and language behavior. - Holland, 1976.
11 |
Come aspects of the psychology of teaching |
Менчинская Н.А. |
Psychology in the Soviet Union
12 |
Computer - aided cognitive development: micro-words and reality |
Каптелинин В.Н. |
Children in the Information Age. - Sofia, 1989.
13 |
Development of Evaluation at the Initial Stage of Learning Activities |
Матис Т.А., Полуянов Ю.А. |
Learning Activity and Development. - Aarhus University Press
14 |
Die systematisch-funktionalen Ansatze fuer die Analyse bewugemachter willkurlicher Selbstregulierung der Tatigkeit |
Конопкин О.А. |
Kongress d. Gesellschaft f. Psychologie d. DDR in Leipzig, September, 1975. - Leipzig, 1975.
15 |
Digital Psychological Platform for Mass Web-Surveys |
Алексеенко А.С., Белов В., Захаров И.М., Исматуллина В.И., Магомедов Ш.Г., Малых С.Б., Пушкин П.Ю. |
Web-surveys are one of the most popular forms of primary data collection used for various researches. However, mass surveys involve some challenges. It is required to consider dierent platforms and browsers, as well as different data transfer rates using connections in dierent regions of the country.
16 |
Educative the reader of literature |
Кудина Г.Н., Новлянская З.Н. |
International Handbook of reading education Greenwood Press Westward Couneatiat. - L.
17 |
Einzug der exakten Wissenschafften. Aspekte des programmierten Unterrichts in den nachsten Jahrzehnten |
Ланда Л.Н. |
Sonntag. - 1968. - № 23.
18 |
Environmental influences on forced expiratory volume in midlife |
Марютина Т.М., Равич-Щербо И.В. |
Experimental Aging Research. - №25 (3)
19 |
Extraversion and neuroticism: the typical profiles of self-regulation |
Моросанова В.И. |
Europinean Psychologist. - 2003. - № 4.
20 |
Genetic analysis of IQ in young adult Russian twins |
Гиндина Е.Д., Искольдский Н.В., Малых С.Б. |
Poster presented during the 11th European Conference on Personality, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat
21 |
Genetic and environmental factors in interindividual VERP variability |
Марютина Т.М. |
Personality and Individual Differences. - 1994. - V. 17. - № 4.
22 |
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Personality in Adult Russian Twins |
Марютина Т.М., Равич-Щербо И.В. |
Int. Journ. Behav. Devel. - 1999. - V.23. - №2
23 |
Genetic factors in interpersonal variance of field dependence-independence |
Егорова М.С. |
Activ. nerv. sup. - Prague, 1987. - V. 29. - № 1.
24 |
Genotip-Environment balance in evoked potentials |
Марютина Т.М. |
J. of Russian & East European Ps
25 |
Genotypical dependence of the Movement-Related Brain Potentials |
Малых С.Б., Равич-Щербо И.В. |
Maturation of CNS and Evoked Potentials. - Amsterdam, 1986.
26 |
Heritability and "environmentability" of electroencephalogram in infants |
Малых С.Б., Орехова Е.В., Посикера И.Н., Строганова Т.А. |
We estimated relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors to electroencephalogram (EEG) frequency and amplitude parameters in infants.
27 |
Image dinamique disstructures spatiotemparelles |
Моросанова В.И., Ошанин Д.А. |
L'image operative actes un seminare (1-5 juin 1981), Universite de Paris
28 |
Influence of the genotype on the determination of individual features of the human EEG at rest |
Мешкова Т.А., Равич-Щербо И.В. |
Eds. H.D.Schmidt & G.Tembrok. - Berlin, 1982
29 |
L'Elaborattion Des Images Conceptuelles Lors De la Solution Des Problems De la Physique |
Львовский В.А. |
Apres Vygotski et piaget. - De Boeck-wesmael, Canada., 1991.
30 |
La memoire et l`activite |
Смирнов А.А. |
- М., 1957. // Bulletin de Psychologie. - Paris, 1958.
31 |
Las Leyes del desarrollo de la actividad y los problemas de la influencia psicologico-pedagogica sobre la personalidad |
Лишин О.В. |
Boletin de Psicologia. Republica de la Cuba, Ministerio de Salud Publica Hospital Psiqiatrio de la Habana. - 1982. - V. IV. - Sep.-Dis. - № 3.
32 |
Laterality effects in twins |
Мешкова Т.А. |
Acta Genet. Med. et Gemellol. - 1992. - 41. - №4
33 |
Laws of the Development of Activity and Problems in the Psychological and Pedagogical Shaping of the Personality |
Лишин О.В. |
Soviet Psychology Spring. - 1983. - V. XXI. - № 3.
34 |
Longitudinal Genetic Analysis of Childhood IQ in 6- and 7-year-old Russian Twins |
Зырянова Н.М., Куравский Л.С., Малых С.Б. |
Twin Research. - 2003. - Vol. 6. - № 4. - Pp. 285-291.
35 |
L`image operative effectrice |
Козлов В.И., Ошанин Д.А. |
L`image operative. - Paris, 1981.
36 |
Maschinen im Unterricht |
Ланда Л.Н. |
MaschinIdeen des exakten Wissens. - 1969. - №3, Bild der Wissenschaft. - 1969. - №5
37 |
Neuropsychological analysis of psychological functions in twins |
Гиндина Е.Д. |
Poster presented during the 30th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society in Toronto. - 2002.
38 |
O otazke specifiky schopnosti mladsich ziakov |
Дубровина И.В. |
Otazke Psychologie schopnosti. - Bratislava, 1977.
39 |
Personal resource of self-organization of life activity of older adolescents in the context of distance learning |
Суннатова Р.И., Шукова Г.В. |
The relevance of research into the psychological aspects of digitalization of education; in particular, the issues of psychological wellbeing of students in the digital educational environment, has significantly increased when modern society collides with the realities of distance learning and realizes the possibility of personal resources and risks created by the format of distance learning.
40 |
Predicting Poor Achievement in Adolescent Computer Skills Formation |
Ермакова И.В. |
School Psychology International SAGE. - V.12
41 |
Probleme der Algorithmisierung und Programmierung in Fremdsprachenunterricht |
Ланда Л.Н. |
Deutsch als Fremdsprache. - 1968. - № 5.
42 |
Problems of algorithmisation of education |
Ланда Л.Н. |
Teachers of the world. - 1968. - № 4.
43 |
Programmed instruction in the Sovjet Union |
Ланда Л.Н. |
Educational Technology. - V.X. - №7
44 |
Psychological Problems in Programmed Instruction |
Матюшкин А.М. |
Sov. Psychology. - V. X. - №10
45 |
Psychologicka tecrie S.L. Rubinstejna a moznosti rizeni uceni a vyvoje eloveka |
Матюшкин А.М. |
Pedagogika (Praha) - №6
46 |
Psychologicke problemy autoprogramowania pracovnej cinnosti |
Конопкин О.А. |
Psychologicka analyza cinnosti operatora. - Bratislava, 1975.
47 |
Psychologische Besonderheiten des Verstandnisess der gegenstandlichen Welt durch das Kind bei verschiedenen Unterrichtssystemen |
Слободчиков В.И. |
- Berlin, 1974.
48 |
Russian Psychogenetics: Sketches for the Portrait |
Равич-Щербо И.В. |
Russian Psychology: Past, Present, Future. Nova Science Publ. - 1997
49 |
Sign Mediation in Processes of Formation and Development |
Бугрименко Е.А., Эльконин Б.Д. |
Journal of Russian and East European Psychology. - 2001. - V. 39. - № 4. - P. 20-33.
50 |
Slovo i myslenie |
Чуприкова Н.И. |
- Poland, 1972.