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Единый электронный каталог содержит библиографические записи на все виды документов (статьи психология, научные статьи из периодических изданий и сборников, книги, монографии, диссертации) на русском и других языках.
In Thinking and speech Vygotsky drew on similar sources like Bakhtin and Voloshinov, e.g. on Lev Yakubinsky‘s On dialogic speech (1923). Vygotsky explains the development of a socially conditioned consciousness by means of contradictory elements (thought and speech, outer and inner speech). This is a series of dialectical steps.
ноя. 2014 |
Development as performing otherness: using Vygotsky and Stanislavski to create real discussionsThis study employed the notion of podtekst (or subtext), which was developed by Russian performer and director Stanislavski, and which may have influenced Vygotsky’s semiotics, as a means of improving university students’ learning of scientific (academic) concepts.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
Personality determines thinking and speechVygotsky in his later years had three research interests - the development of human higher mental functions, the development of personality, and the development of emotion (Kamiya, 2010: 6–8). Vygotsky’s untimely death prevented him from integrating these three streams.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
The western psychological diagnosis and pedological diagnosis of VygotskyWestern psychology, based on the medical model, and pedological diagnosis proposed by L.S. Vygotsky, who understands that as a process that seeks to unravel the origin of the phenomenon.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
Vygotsky’s view of the role of the objective world in the process of children’s psychological development: discussions based on the 2nd chapter of «Thinking and Speech»The aim of this paper is to clarify Vygotsky’s view of the role of the objective world in the process of children’s psychological development.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |