Process Management and Scientific Developments
Proceedings of the International Conference “Process Management and Scientific Developments” (Birmingham, United Kingdom, June 9, 2021). Part 2
These Conference Proceedings combine materials of the conference – research papers and thesis reports of scientific workers. They examines tecnical and sociological issues of research issues. Some articles deal with theoretical and methodological approaches and principles of research questions of personality professionalization.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of cited publications, facts, figures, quotations, statistics, proper names and other information.
Результаты: 3 (страница 1, всего 1 стр.)
1 | Personal resource of self-organization of life activity of older adolescents in the context of distance learning | Суннатова Р.И., Шукова Г.В. |
The relevance of research into the psychological aspects of digitalization of education; in particular, the issues of psychological wellbeing of students in the digital educational environment, has significantly increased when modern society collides with the realities of distance learning and realizes the possibility of personal resources and risks created by the format of distance learning.
2 | Structural modeling of the position of the subject of the study | Акимова М.К., Персиянцева С.В. |
In the article proposes a theoretical model of the concept of the position of the subject of the study. The position of the subject of the study of is seen as a phenomenon of the unity of the process and the result in the system of psycho-pedagogical criteria of the effectiveness of education.
3 | The Creative Principle in the Model of Building Russian Psychological Science by Professor G.I. Chelpanov | Серова О.Е. |
The article highlights various aspects of the activities of the founder of scientific psychology in Russia G.I. Chelpanov. The creative orientation of the scientist's personality is emphasized as the dominant beginning of his creative asceticism in the field of Russian psychological science.