Rivalry as competition and cooperation
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Единый электронный каталог содержит библиографические записи на все виды документов (статьи психология, научные статьи из периодических изданий и сборников, книги, монографии, диссертации) на русском и других языках.
Rivalry as competition and cooperationTraditionally, rivalry is defined as an act of competing for profit, goal or price. Some rivalries are very visible, others are hidden. Sibling rivalry, usually unspoken one, is the most well-known competition among siblings for recognition and attention of their parents.
Дата публикации:окт. 2018 Название издания:Индекс:
Russian Psychogenetics: Sketches for the PortraitRussian Psychology: Past, Present, Future. Nova Science Publ. - 1997
Дата публикации:янв. 1997 |
Sign Mediation in Processes of Formation and DevelopmentJournal of Russian and East European Psychology. - 2001. - V. 39. - № 4. - P. 20-33.
Дата публикации:июл. 2001 |
Sleep and IntelligenceGeneral cognitive ability or intelligence and sleep may be correlated through both biological and social mechanisms. The relationship between intelligence and sleep macro- and microstructure has been extensively studied.
Дата публикации:янв. 2020 Название издания: |
Slovo i myslenie- Poland, 1972.
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Soviet UnionInternational Handbook of Reading. - London, 1992.
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Strategiewahl zur Losung von technischen Konstruktionsaufgaben bei unterschiedlicher Effektivitat der TatigkutProbleme und Ergebnisse der Psychologie
Дата публикации:янв. 1976 |
Structural modeling of the position of the subject of the studyIn the article proposes a theoretical model of the concept of the position of the subject of the study. The position of the subject of the study of is seen as a phenomenon of the unity of the process and the result in the system of psycho-pedagogical criteria of the effectiveness of education.
Дата публикации:июн. 2021 Название издания:Индекс:
Struktur und instehung intillektueller HandlungenZeitseiarift fur Psychologie. - 1961. - Band 165.
Дата публикации:янв. 1961 |
The Creative Principle in the Model of Building Russian Psychological Science by Professor G.I. ChelpanovThe article highlights various aspects of the activities of the founder of scientific psychology in Russia G.I. Chelpanov. The creative orientation of the scientist's personality is emphasized as the dominant beginning of his creative asceticism in the field of Russian psychological science.
Дата публикации:июн. 2021 Название издания:Индекс:
The demand for distance education in RussiaThe Supply and Demand of Distance Education in Russia. World Bank Report. - N.Y., 1995.
Дата публикации:янв. 1995 |
The diagnosic method of psychological Reliability of MarksmenMedicine, psychology, pedagogy in sport shooting. - Bucharest, 1983.
Дата публикации:янв. 1983 |
The genealogy of personality psychology – why did it become so important?Personality psychology in academia reached its peak point in Western psychology in the sixties and seventies. Its history normally starts with Freud and ends up with the Big Five. Yet its roots go far beyond this, and can be traced back to the early use of the term “psychology”.
Дата публикации:окт. 2018 Название издания:Индекс:
The genetic basis of individual differences in the human EEG at restSov. Psychology. - 1979. - 17. - №4
Дата публикации:янв. 1979 |
The nature of individual differences in extraversion and neuroticismA study of young adult Russian twins: Poster presented at the 11th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences. July, 13-17, 2003.
Дата публикации:янв. 2003 |
The relationship between leadership abilities and narcissistic personality traitsIn this article, the hypothesis of the existence of a connection between narcissistic personality traits and the level of leadership abilities was tested, namely: in subjects with a low level of expression of leadership abilities, such a trait of a narcissistic personality as "The need for constant attention and admiration" prevails, and at a high level of dominated by such indicator as "Exploitation in interpersonal relationships."
Дата публикации:мая. 2021 Название издания:Индекс:
The reliability evalution method of sport shooting technical resultsMedicine, psychology, pedagogy in sport shooting: II scientific congress in sport shooting. - Yugoslavia, 1985.
Дата публикации:янв. 1985 |
The ways secure psychic reability in sports shootingMedicine, psychology, pedagogy in sport shooting: III scientific congress in sport shooting. - GDR, 1986.
Дата публикации:янв. 1986 |
The western psychological diagnosis and pedological diagnosis of VygotskyWestern psychology, based on the medical model, and pedological diagnosis proposed by L.S. Vygotsky, who understands that as a process that seeks to unravel the origin of the phenomenon.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
Transitional Forms of Sign Mediation in Teaching Six-year-old ChildrenJournal of Russian and East European Psychology. - 2001. - V. 39. - № 4. - P. 34-46.
Дата публикации:июл. 2001 |
Uber die psychologische Natur der verschiedenen Typen von Erklarungen, die von Schulern bei der Losung physikalischer Aufgaben gegeben wurdenSeminarmaterialen Viertes gemeinsames Seminar der Aspiranten und Nachwuchswissenschaftler APW DDR. - Berlin, 1972.
Дата публикации:июл. 1972 |
Valeur optimales et liminaires des signaugh auditifsL'homme dans les systemes automatises. - Paris, 1971.. - Paris, 1971.
Дата публикации:янв. 1971 |
Visual-image Regulation in joint Problem SolvingSov. Ps. - 1990
Дата публикации:янв. 1990 |
Vygotsky in soviet and postsoviet contextsThe aim of this paper is to contextualize Vygotsky’s psychology, theoretically and historically, firstly, wihin the context of its original development in the Soviet Union and then within Western contexts of its reception.
Дата публикации:дек. 2019 Название издания:Индекс:
Vygotsky’s view of the role of the objective world in the process of children’s psychological development: discussions based on the 2nd chapter of «Thinking and Speech»The aim of this paper is to clarify Vygotsky’s view of the role of the objective world in the process of children’s psychological development.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
Vyskim matematickych schopnosti deti mladsieho skolskeho vekuOtazke Psychologie schopnosti. - Bratislava, 1977.
Дата публикации:янв. 1977 |
Welche Ansanhl von Reisen kann der Nensch gleichzeitich erkennen?Organismische Informationsverarbeitung. - Berlin, 1974.
Дата публикации:янв. 1974 |
Western understanding of history of psychology in st. Petersburg/LeningradHistorians of science are often сoncerned about international relations in science and research, presumably because if something can be called scientific it must be international, indeed universal.
Дата публикации:окт. 2018 Название издания:Индекс:
What Is sleepiness? Association between Subjective and Objective Sleepiness with Cognitive FunctionSleep is an important aspect of one’s daily life, and about one-third of a person’s life is spent sleeping. However, the proportion of people getting less than the recommended hours of sleep is increasing.
Дата публикации:янв. 2020 Название издания: |
Yksilollisyyden geneettisen perustan on gelmaPersonallisunden psykologikan ongelmia. - Helsinki, 1981.
Дата публикации:янв. 1981 |