A social cognitive perspective: investment decisions in early-stage ventures
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Единый электронный каталог содержит библиографические записи на все виды документов (статьи психология, научные статьи из периодических изданий и сборников, книги, монографии, диссертации) на русском и других языках.
A social cognitive perspective: investment decisions in early-stage venturesThe Russian psychologist Bekhterev, was a student of Wilhelm Wundt’s and a follower of his approach to the ‘subjective study of mental processes’.
Дата публикации:окт. 2018 Название издания:Индекс:
Aesthetic emotions in Vygotsky‘s psychology of artIn Thinking and speech Vygotsky drew on similar sources like Bakhtin and Voloshinov, e.g. on Lev Yakubinsky‘s On dialogic speech (1923). Vygotsky explains the development of a socially conditioned consciousness by means of contradictory elements (thought and speech, outer and inner speech). This is a series of dialectical steps.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
Bibliopsychology, Bibliopedagogics, Bibliotherapy: History, Theory, PracticeThe article examines historical and practical issues of bibliopsychology and leading theoretical principles of the founder of psychology of reading – N.A.Rubakin.
Дата публикации:сен. 2017 |
Coefficients alpha, beta, omega, and the glb: Comments on SijtsmaThere are three fundamental problems in Sijtsma (Psychometrika, 2008): (1) contrary to the name, the glb is not the greatest lower bound of reliability but rather is systematically less than ωt (McDonald, Test theory: A unified treatment, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, 1999), (2) we agree with Sijtsma that when considering how well a test measures one concept...
Дата публикации:янв. 2009 Индекс:
Cultural-historical theory: the issues that L.S. Vygotsky brought up![]() Дата публикации:янв. 2016 |
Development as performing otherness: using Vygotsky and Stanislavski to create real discussionsThis study employed the notion of podtekst (or subtext), which was developed by Russian performer and director Stanislavski, and which may have influenced Vygotsky’s semiotics, as a means of improving university students’ learning of scientific (academic) concepts.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
Digital Psychological Platform for Mass Web-SurveysWeb-surveys are one of the most popular forms of primary data collection used for various researches. However, mass surveys involve some challenges. It is required to consider dierent platforms and browsers, as well as different data transfer rates using connections in dierent regions of the country.
Дата публикации:окт. 2020 Индекс:
HOMO DUPLEX: Другой, «Вращённый» в меняЧеловек двойной - «Homo Duplex» - выражение, встретившееся в рукописи Л.С. Выготского, названной публикаторами «Конкретная психология человека». Человек «удваивается», и в нашей статье речь пойдёт о таком удвоении, когда в результате развития психики в ней появляются Я и Другой как некие участники внутренней «драмы».
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
Identity in young adulthood: Links with mental health and risky behaviorjournal of Applied developmental psychology
Дата публикации:янв. 2015 |
Leader ethical decision-making: methodological suggestions and implicationsIn this article we discuss quantitative and qualitativeresearch methods, which are commonly (but often independently) employed to research leader ethical decision-making.
Дата публикации:окт. 2018 Название издания:Индекс:
Lieben und Arbeiten, и стипендия: смыслы взрослой жизни в рефлексии современных студентовВ статье рассмотрены смыслы событий взрослой жизни в биографической рефлексии современных студентов от 17 до 33 лет, обучающихся в ВУЗах. Выделены обобщенные концепты, служащие субъективными признаками взрослости: ответственность, независимость, причастность, релятивность.
Дата публикации:мая. 2021 Название издания:Индекс:
Personal resource of self-organization of life activity of older adolescents in the context of distance learningThe relevance of research into the psychological aspects of digitalization of education; in particular, the issues of psychological wellbeing of students in the digital educational environment, has significantly increased when modern society collides with the realities of distance learning and realizes the possibility of personal resources and risks created by the format of distance learning.
Дата публикации:июн. 2021 Название издания:Индекс:
Personality determines thinking and speechVygotsky in his later years had three research interests - the development of human higher mental functions, the development of personality, and the development of emotion (Kamiya, 2010: 6–8). Vygotsky’s untimely death prevented him from integrating these three streams.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
Personality in Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theoryThe aim of this paper is to reflect on the concept of personality in Vygotsky’s culturalhistorical theory.
Дата публикации:окт. 2018 Название издания:Индекс:
Q-методология в изучении самосознания подростковСодержание самосознания и его генезис вызывают большой интерес среди исследователей подросткового возраста, однако, большая часть работ сводятся к изучению отдельных компонентов самосознания подростков.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2015 Название издания: |
Relationships between fluid intelligence and executive functionsIn our recent study we investigated the relationship between fluid reasoning ability and prefrontal neocortex functions (spatial working memory and spatial planning). Fluid intelligence was assessed by using КАВС–II test. Prefrontal neocortex functions were assessed by CANTAB computer test.
Дата публикации:фев. 2021 Название издания:Индекс:
Rivalry as competition and cooperationTraditionally, rivalry is defined as an act of competing for profit, goal or price. Some rivalries are very visible, others are hidden. Sibling rivalry, usually unspoken one, is the most well-known competition among siblings for recognition and attention of their parents.
Дата публикации:окт. 2018 Название издания:Индекс:
Sleep and IntelligenceGeneral cognitive ability or intelligence and sleep may be correlated through both biological and social mechanisms. The relationship between intelligence and sleep macro- and microstructure has been extensively studied.
Дата публикации:янв. 2020 Название издания: |
Structural modeling of the position of the subject of the studyIn the article proposes a theoretical model of the concept of the position of the subject of the study. The position of the subject of the study of is seen as a phenomenon of the unity of the process and the result in the system of psycho-pedagogical criteria of the effectiveness of education.
Дата публикации:июн. 2021 Название издания:Индекс:
The Creative Principle in the Model of Building Russian Psychological Science by Professor G.I. ChelpanovThe article highlights various aspects of the activities of the founder of scientific psychology in Russia G.I. Chelpanov. The creative orientation of the scientist's personality is emphasized as the dominant beginning of his creative asceticism in the field of Russian psychological science.
Дата публикации:июн. 2021 Название издания:Индекс:
The genealogy of personality psychology – why did it become so important?Personality psychology in academia reached its peak point in Western psychology in the sixties and seventies. Its history normally starts with Freud and ends up with the Big Five. Yet its roots go far beyond this, and can be traced back to the early use of the term “psychology”.
Дата публикации:окт. 2018 Название издания:Индекс:
The relationship between leadership abilities and narcissistic personality traitsIn this article, the hypothesis of the existence of a connection between narcissistic personality traits and the level of leadership abilities was tested, namely: in subjects with a low level of expression of leadership abilities, such a trait of a narcissistic personality as "The need for constant attention and admiration" prevails, and at a high level of dominated by such indicator as "Exploitation in interpersonal relationships."
Дата публикации:мая. 2021 Название издания:Индекс:
The western psychological diagnosis and pedological diagnosis of VygotskyWestern psychology, based on the medical model, and pedological diagnosis proposed by L.S. Vygotsky, who understands that as a process that seeks to unravel the origin of the phenomenon.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
Vygotsky in soviet and postsoviet contextsThe aim of this paper is to contextualize Vygotsky’s psychology, theoretically and historically, firstly, wihin the context of its original development in the Soviet Union and then within Western contexts of its reception.
Дата публикации:дек. 2019 Название издания:Индекс:
Vygotsky’s view of the role of the objective world in the process of children’s psychological development: discussions based on the 2nd chapter of «Thinking and Speech»The aim of this paper is to clarify Vygotsky’s view of the role of the objective world in the process of children’s psychological development.
Дата публикации:ноя. 2014 Название издания: |
Western understanding of history of psychology in st. Petersburg/LeningradHistorians of science are often сoncerned about international relations in science and research, presumably because if something can be called scientific it must be international, indeed universal.
Дата публикации:окт. 2018 Название издания:Индекс:
What Is sleepiness? Association between Subjective and Objective Sleepiness with Cognitive FunctionSleep is an important aspect of one’s daily life, and about one-third of a person’s life is spent sleeping. However, the proportion of people getting less than the recommended hours of sleep is increasing.
Дата публикации:янв. 2020 Название издания: |
А.А. Смирнов и история отечественной психологии (Памяти ученого)Год прошел с тех пор, как советская психологическая общественность простилась с видным ученым и организатором науки А.А. Смирновым. К детальному анализу его творчества еще не раз обратятся психологи.
Дата публикации:мая. 1981 Название издания: |
Абсолютная слуховая чувствительность и физиологическая сила надпороговых раздражителейВведенное в физиологию и психологию И.П. Павловым понятие о свойстве силы - слабости нервной системы связывалось им с ее функциональной выносливостью, работоспособностью, предельными возможностями.
Дата публикации:июн. 1984 Название издания: |
Автобиография С.Л. Рубинштейна (восстановлено с машинописной копии)Я родился в июне 1889 г. в г. Одессе. Отец мой был адвокатом. В 1908 году я окончил экстерном гимназию, а в 1913 году университет (фил.фак). С 1915 г. преподавал психологию и логику в частных гимназиях г. Одессы.
Дата публикации:мар. 2020 Название издания: |